Response to: New Columbia experiment still a work in progress, .

New Columbia is NOT a neighborhood. It is Oregon's Largest PUBLIC HOUSING Compound located in the PORTSMOUTH neighborhood.

"the debate over what form public housing should take continues" NO IT DOESN'T.

There is NO debate over PUBLIC Housing 

Mayor Sam Adams has ordered the Bureau of Housing and the Housing Authority of Portland to continue their support for the discredited and abhorrent public policy of UNLIMITED Neighborhood Concentration of PUBLIC Housing.

Mayor Sam Adams has ordered the Bureau of Housing and the Housing Authority of Portland to continue their opposition to a public policy of EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC HOUSING and the release of public housing statistical data to taxpayers who annually pay $200,000,000 on Public housing in Multnomah county.
Representative Tina Kotek supports the discredited and abhorrent public policy of UNLIMITED Neighborhood Concentration of PUBLIC Housing.

Richard Ellmyer supports a public policy of EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC HOUSING and the release of public housing statistical data to taxpayers who annually pay $200,000,000 on Public housing in Multnomah county.

I will be filing for the North Portland House Seat 44 In the Democratic May 2010 Primary in the very near future. Defending North Portland from Sam Adams and Tina Kotek's policy of OVERLOADING North Portland with Public Housing will be a focus of my campaign. The debate over Public Housing will be a part of the North Portland House race in May 2010.

Richard Ellmyer